The course consists of an out-and-back loop, 6.7056 km (4.1666... miles) long with 368.666... meters of elevation gain. 24 loops corresponds to 100 miles and an elevation gain of 8848 meters (one Everest :-). The loop starts at Jamthaugvegen 37, climbs to the top of the tower on Solemsvåttan and returning back the same way.
The race is evaluated by ITRA and will be registered as a qualifying race for the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB). The following table shows from left to right: Number of loops (#), race distance in kilometers, race distance in miles, cumulative elevation gain (CEG) in meters, expected number of ITRA points.
# km / mi CEG ITRA 4 26.8/ 16.7 1475 1 7 46.9/ 29.2 2949 1 8 54.4/ 33.8 2873 2 12 80.5/ 50.0 4424 3 16 107.3/ 66.7 5899 4 20 134.1/ 83.4 7374 5 24 160.9/100.0 8848 5 25 167.6/104.2 9217 6
The pictures below illustrate the course (in summer conditions).
See the track on 'Trace de trail' for gpx track and elevation profile.
The turn-around point is at the top of the tower. The runners register (electronic or manual) that they have been at the top, and then continue back down the same way they went to the top.