Malvikingen Opp går av stabelen lørdag 11. mai. Motbakkeløpet starter klokka 12. Turgåere kan starte mellom 10-12, eller så snart sekretariatet er på plass på Vikhammerløkka.
Påmelding konkurranse og trim med tidtaking
Mer info på løpets hjemmeside.Registration is now available for the 2024 edition of Kruke's Ultra-Trail Challenge. This years event will take place on Saturday 12th of October.
Sign up here: KUTC 2024 REGISTRATION
The startlist shows status for this years participants. Please note that there are only 30 places available, and the registration will be closed as soon as that limit has been reached.
You can see the participants list for this year's challenge on the startlist!
Malvikingen Opp 2023 is history. It was the 13th edition, so maybe we had to expect a bit of bad luck. First we had to move the date, and then we got a patch of bad weather. In the end we count 36 participants in all, and that is one less than last year and the lowest number if we don't count the covid-19 years of 2020 and 2021. Apart from that, all went smooth on the day.
All results can be found on the race homepage on facebook.
Malvikingen Opp var opprinnelig satt opp til å gå den 13. mai, men på grunn av mye snø i marka ble det ikke mulig for oss å gjøre de nødvendige forberedelsene uka før løpet skulle gjennomføres. Ny dato er satt til lørdag 3. juni.